Issue 6-1: Indigenous biological diversity

Indigenous biological diversity is not being maintained in the Region. As a result of historical land development practices, only a small proportion of the original extent of indigenous habitats remains. The diversity within remaining areas is declining owing to their isolation or as a consequence of a range of activities, most notably:

  1. pest plants and pest animals
  2. stock access
  3. land drainage, which impacts upon wetlands
  4. perched culverts and other barriers to fish migration
  5. run-off and discharges causing poor water quality
  6. vegetation clearance*.

Issue 6-2: Outstanding natural features, landscapes and natural character
  1. The Region’s outstanding natural features and landscapes can be adversely affected by land use activities and development. Adverse effects of development on outstanding natural features and landscapes include the potential for significant adverse cumulative effects. Developments with the potential for greatest impact include wind farms, residential subdivision and other major structures.
  2. The natural character of the coastal environment, wetlands, rivers, lakes and their margins can be adversely affected by land use activities and development, particularly new river works, drainage and subdivision.

Issue 6-3: Historic heritage

Development and land use can damage and destroy historic heritage of significance in the Region. In the context of the Regional Council’s role, this includes activities in the coastal marine area and discharges to land and water. Outside of the coastal marine area, Territorial Authorities are responsible for managing the effects of land use activities on historic heritage, including under s9(2) RMA for activities in the beds of rivers and lakes.