7.7.1 Ambient Air* Quality

Objective 7-1, Policies 7-1 to 7-4 and the associated methods establish a framework to manage ambient air* quality, in particular to manage the effects of various discharges to air and to reduce nuisance effects.

Policy 7-1 sets out the National Environmental Standards for ambient air* quality as required by the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards Relating to Certain Air Pollutants, Dioxins and Other Toxics) Regulations 2004. The Regional Council has used the standards as a framework for the regional standards for ambient air* quality as reflected in Policy 7-2. These policies will assist in developing the methods the Regional Council has put in place to ensure that compliance with the National Environmental Standards is achieved by 1 September 2013. To achieve the compliance date the Regional Council will need to work closely with Territorial Authorities and district health boards to establish clear responsibility protocols.

The Regional Council recognises that some resource users need to discharge to air to provide for their social, cultural and economic wellbeing. Even those who operate under best practice guidelines may receive complaints. Policies 7-3 and 7-4 allow for such resource users and the monitoring methods (such as public information, a 24-hour Pollution Hotline and compliance monitoring) to ensure National Environmental Standards and regional standards are not breached. Policy 7-4 and the associated methods assist in educating the community about rural versus lifestyle block incompatibilities and also encourage Territorial Authorities to review future land use developments to prevent incompatibility and reduce future complaints.