8.1.1 Scope

This chapter primarily addresses the coastal marine area (CMA) but it also addresses management of the wider coastal environment. The CMA is defined in the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). In general, it is the area from mean high water springs (MHWS) seaward 12 nautical miles, and includes foreshore and seabed, the water column, air space, estuarine areas, beaches and salt marshes. The CMA boundary where it crosses identified rivers is shown (and defined) in Schedule I: Part A.

The coastal environment is wider than the CMA and comprises the CMA together with an area landward of MHWS, where coastal qualities or influences predominate.

The CMA is managed by the Regional Council and the Minister of Conservation. The Minister of Conservation is responsible for preparing the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS). The NZCPS sets the national framework for managing the coastal environment. Regional policy statements, regional plans and district plans must give effect to the NZCPS.

The landward component of the coastal environment is managed by both the Regional Council and Territorial Authorities. Territorial Authorities control land use activities inland from MHWS through their district plans. The Regional Council manages some activities landward of MHWS through other chapters of this Plan.

The MHWS boundary separates the statutory functions of the Regional Council and Territorial Authorities and therefore, to ensure integrated management of the coastal environment, cross-boundary issues must be addressed.

This chapter has two elements:
  1. It contains objectives, policies and methods for managing activities that occur in the Region’s CMA.
  2. It identifies the need for integrated management of the coastal environment.