The requirements specified in the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations also apply, as rules, in addition to the following rules (including in relation to activities within and near natural wetlands*).  One Plan users must refer to the Regulations and they should be read in conjunction with the following rules.  Where there is conflict between the provisions of the Regulations and any of the following rules, the more stringent provision will apply.

Rule Activity Classification Conditions/Standards/Terms Control/Discretion Non-Notification
16-14 The drilling, construction or alteration of any bore* and any ancillary discharge^ of water^ or contaminants^ The drilling, construction or alteration of any bore* pursuant to s9(2) RMA that extends below the seasonally highest groundwater level and any ancillary discharge^ of water^ or contaminants^ into water^ or onto land^ pursuant to ss15(1) or 15(2A) RMA. Controlled
  1. The activity must not be within any rare habitat*, threatened habitat* or at-risk habitat*

Control is reserved over:

  1. compliance with the NZS 4411:2001 Environmental Standard for Drilling of Soil and Rock and any other relevant standard
  2. bore* location, size (including diameter of the bore* casing) and depth
  3. bore* screening depth and type
  4. backflow prevention
  5. information requirements including bore* logs, piezometric levels, groundwater tests, and bore* construction details
  6. duration of consent
  7. review of consent conditions^
  8. compliance monitoring
  9. the matters in Policy 14-9.

Resource consent applications under this rule will not be notified and written approval of affected persons will not be required (notice of applications need not be served^ on affected persons).

16-15 Unsealed bores*

Pursuant to ss9(2), 14(2), 15(1) or 15(2A) RMA any bore* that:

  1. is no longer used and is unsealed, or
  2. is in use and is constructed in a manner that allows contaminants^ to enter the bore* from the land^ surface, or allows the wastage of water^ in artesian situations.

Rule Guide: The drilling, construction or alteration of any bore* and any ancillary discharge^ of water^ or contaminants^ in rare habitats*, threatened habitats* and at-risk habitats* is regulated by Rules 13-8 and 13-9.