The requirements specified in the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations also apply, as rules, in addition to the following rules.  One Plan users must refer to the Regulations and they should be read in conjunction with the following rules.  Where there is conflict between the provisions of the Regulations and any of the following rules, the more stringent provision will apply.

Rule Activity Classification Conditions/Standards/Terms Control/Discretion Non-Notification
17-7 New and existing small dams

All of the following activities, to the extent that they are relevant, for new and existing dam structures^ and associated damming within rivers^, within artificial watercourses* and on land^:

  1. the erection, placement or extension of a dam in, on, under or over the bed^ of a river^ or within an artificial watercourse* or on land^ pursuant to ss9(2) or 13(1) RMA
  2. the damming of water^ and any ancillary take, diversion or discharge^ of water^ that is part of the normal operation* of a dam, pursuant to ss14(2) and 15(1) RMA
  3. any ancillary excavation, drilling, tunnelling or other disturbance of the bed^ of a river^ pursuant to s13(1) RMA
  4. any ancillary discharge^ of water^ or sediment into water^ or onto or into land^ pursuant to ss15(1) or 15(2A) RMA
  5. any deposition of substances in or on the bed^ of the river^ or lake^ pursuant to s13(1)

Advice Note:

For the avoidance of doubt, any proposal to take water^ that is impounded behind a dam structure^ for any use other than that provided for in (b) must comply with the rules^ set out in Chapter 16 of this Plan.

  1. Any new dam must not be located in a river^ prohibited by Rule 17-1 or regulated under Rule 17-3.
  2. For a dam in a river^, the catchment area above the dam must be no greater than 50 ha.
  3. The maximum water^ depth must be less than 3 m (measured from the natural ground level at the upstream toe of the dam structure^).
  4. A spillway must be constructed to enable the passage of a 200 year flood without the dam being overtopped.
  5. Water^ impounded by the dam must not encroach onto adjoining properties*.
  6. Dams in permanently flowing rivers^ and artificial watercourses* must maintain a residual flow out of the dam at all times including during filling of the dam.
  7. For a dam located in a river^, the activity must comply with the general conditions^ listed in Section 17.3.
  8. For a dam located in an artificial watercourse*, the activity must comply with general conditions (a) to (k) in Section 17.3 as if these conditions^ applied to an artificial watercourse*.
  9. The activity must not take place in any rare habitat*, threatened habitat* or at-risk habitat*.
17-8 Replacement consents for existing damming of water^

Any lawfully established damming of water^ within a river^, within an artificial watercourse* or on land^ for which replacement consents are sought and any ancillary:

  1. take, diversion or discharge^ of water^ that is associated with the existence of the dam structure, pursuant to s14(2) or s15(1) or 15(2A) RMA, except as permitted by Rule 17-7
  2. discharge^ of water^ or sediment into water^ or onto or into land^ pursuant to ss15(1) or 15(2A) RMA
  3. deposition of substances in or on the bed^ of the river^ or lake^ pursuant to s13(1).

Advice Note:

For the avoidance of doubt, any proposal to take water^ that is impounded behind a dam structure^ must comply with the rules^ set out in Chapter 16.


Control is reserved over:

  1. fish passage
  2. water^ levels, flow regimes and minimum flows
  3. measures to manage land^ stability and erosion
  4. measures to assist with maintaining or achieving the Schedule E water^ quality targets for the Water Management Subzones*
  5. measures to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects^ on the Values of the water body^ at and below the point of discharge dam
  6. measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the instream geomorphological components of natural character of the water body^
  7. management of dam failure
  8. effects^ on rare habitats*, threatened habitats* and at-risk habitats* and Sites of Significance - Aquatic
  9. measures to avoid, remedy, or mitigate adverse effects^ on tangata whenua^ values
  10. duration of consent
  11. review of consent conditions^
  12. compliance monitoring
  13. the matters in Policy 14-9.

Resource consent applications under this rule will be notified to those parties who are adversely affected in relation to the matters over which control is reserved. This clause does not preclude full public notification of the Regional Council’s discretion in accordance with the RMA.


Rule Guide:

All new and existing small dams are authorised if they comply with the conditions of Rule 17-7. The erection or placement of new large dams requires consent under Rule 17-23. These large dams also require a building consent from the Regional Council under the Building Act 2004. The damming of water by existing large dams requires ongoing authorisation under s14(2) RMA. Rule 17-8 regulates the replacement of existing consents for the damming of water when those consents expire. The use, maintenance* and upgrade* of all dam structures, once they are established, are permitted by Rules 17-4 (use) and 17-5 (maintenance* and upgrade*). The authorised use (Rule17-4) specifically excludes damming regulated under s14(2) RMA as that is covered by Rules 17-7 and 17-8. This means that the Regional Council has decided to accept the presence of existing dam structures (and has declined to give itself the discretion as to whether an existing dam structure should remain). However, for replacement consents for large dams, the Regional Council does retain control over the effects of damming water on fish passage, residual flow etc. in relation to the continued operation of the dam under Rule 14-29 (discharges) and Rules 16-5 and 16-6 (takes), and in relation to the existence of the dam itself as listed in Rule 17-8 (damming). These are the effects of concern to the Council.

The discharge of contaminants into water or into or onto land, other than contaminants specifically identified in the rules, is regulated by the rules in Chapter 14. 

The erection and placement of new dams and the damming of water within rare habitats*, threatened habitats* or at-risk habitats* is regulated under Rules 13-8 and 13-9.