Important note: For the purposes of the RMA, the Regional Coastal Plan comprises Chapter 18 and Schedule I as well as Chapters 11, 12 and 19 and the relevant definitions in the Glossary. The coastal marine area^ (CMA) is as defined in the RMA. In this chapter:

  1. MHWS means mean high water springs.
  2. NZCPS means any New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement.
  3. NZCPS 1994 means the document “New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 1994”.

Objective 18-1: Activities in the CMA

The regulation of activities in the CMA in a manner that enables or restricts activities within the Port, Protection, or General Activity Management Areas or Aquaculture Management Areas, in a way that reflects the Table I.1 characteristics of the Areas.

Objective 18-2: Water^ quality in the CMA

Water^ quality in the CMA is managed in a manner that sustains its life-supporting capacity and has regard to the Values, management objectives and the water^ quality targets set out in Schedule I: Part C.

Policy 18-1: Regional rules^ for the CMA

The Regional Council must regulate activities in the CMA through regional rules^ in accordance with Objectives 12-1, 12-2, 18-1 and 18-2 and Policies 12-1 to 12-8.