Our contestable fund for climate related projects aims to support and encourage community efforts to build resilience to the effects of climate change, or support the transition to a sustainable carbon neutral regional economy by 2050.

The Pūtea Hapori Urupare Āhuarangi - Community Climate Response Fund is an annual initiative, with no limit on funding per project.

Applications for 2024 will be open from 25 March to 3 May

Our Vision

Horizon’s vision is Tō tātou rohe – taoio ora, tangata ora, mauri ora. Our place – a healthy environment where people are thriving.

Our role is to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities – now and for the future.

One aspect of our climate change approach is supporting people to make a difference. The fund aligns with that approach. 

Interested in applying?

Applications are welcome from non profit organisations (or individuals partnering with them) that have community led projects that align with Horizons climate change objectives, including initiatives that:
  • Build the resilience of communities and our environment to the effects of a changing climate.
  • Support the transition to a sustainable, carbon-neutral regional economy by 2050.
  • Will be completed (project work and grant accountability requirements) within 12 months*
  • Are one-off projects, however multi-year project grants will be considered.
  • Incorporate mātauranga Māori knowledge.
*To help determine whether your project could be eligible for a grant please download the eligibility criteria.

Read more about our climate change work

Pūtea Hapori Urupare Āhuarangi Community Climate Response Fund  - Recent Funding Recipients

Information on 2022 recipients of this funding can be downloaded here.
Information on 2023 recipients of this funding can be downloaded here.