This project is part of a larger process led by Horizons Regional Council to help communities living in the region become more resilient to natural hazards. The project aims to create a co-designed strategy to reduce flood risk and increase community resilience in Anzac Parade. The feasibility of a range of community-wide and property-specific interventions are being assessed. Recommendations will be made based on the implications of alternative interventions for flood risk reduction, resilience building, and resident and community well-being. As a first step, Horizons appointed Massey University to facilitate a community engagement process for Anzac Parade residents and other key stakeholders to inform the Council's viability assessment of resilience-building actions in the area. Among others, we are working with residents, interested and affected parties in Whanganui, and tangata whenua (Te Runanga o Tupoho, Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui, and Te Mata Puo) and Whanganui District Council as well as key government agencies and other parties concerned about flood risk along Anzac Parade.
Find out more about this project
Progress on recommendations – summary
Progress on recommendations – full report
Read our FAQs
View the Anzac Parade Flood Resilience Strategy
Thanks to those who attended the public meeting on 5 May 2022. If you were unable to attend a recording of the meeting, as seen by those who attended via zoom, can be found here. Alternatively please click on the link below to view/download the full power point presentation. Links to the three earlier community consultation presentations are also available below, along with resources from Waka Kōtahi NZ Transport Agency and CDEM.
5 May Public Meeting Presentation
20 April 2022 resident meeting presentation
Read a recap of July-August sessions
Project Update Presentation - PDF, 5.9MB
Project Factsheet - PDF, 238KB
Flood evacuation procedures - PDF, 239KB
NZTA statement - PDF, 480KB
Horizons River Information Service - PDF, 1.3MB
Horizons Flood Warning System - PDF, 1.8MB