Scheduled hearing date & time:

3 May 2022
9:00 am

Hearing venue:
Levin Library, 10 Bath Street, Levin
Further enquiries:

Enquiries regarding the application can be made to fiona morton, Senior Consultant Planner


Grenadier Limited - Douglas Links Golf Course

An application to construct and develop an eighteen-hole links golf course and ancillary activities on land at 765 Muhunoa West Road, Ohau

Associated documents

Section 42A reports

1. HRC S42A Report - Trisha Simonson - Wastewater
2. HRC S42A Report - Graeme Ridley - Earthworks
3. HRC S42A Report - Tom Garden - Groundwater
4. HRC S42A Report - Connor Whiteley - Ecology
5. HRC S42A Report - Fiona Morton - Planning
Appendix A1. ATH-2022205142.00 - Domestic Wastewater v01
Appendix A2. ATH-202201143, 44, 45, 46.00 Earthworks v01
Appendix A3. ATH-2022205141.00 and ATH-202201149.00 - Groundwater v02
Appendix A4. ATH-202201143, 44, 45, 46.00 and ATH-202201149.00 Ecological Conditions v01
Appendix A5. ATH-202201149.00 Regulation 50 Requirements v01
1. S41B - Hamish Edwards on Project Rationale of Applicant
2. S41B - Darius Oliver on Course Design
3. S41B - Tom Bland on Planning
4. S41B - Vaughan Keesing on Ecology
5. S41B - Alexandra Johansen on Hydrogeology
6. S41B - Frank Boffa on Landscape and Visual
7. S41B - Mary O'Keeffe on Archaeology
8. S41B - Philip Tataurangi on Cultural Values
9. S41B - Jim Dahm on Coastal Science
10. HRC S42A Addendum Report - Trisha Simonson - Wastewater


Minute No 1 - Douglas Golf Course Links 24.03.22
Indicative Hearing Agenda
Minute No 2 - Douglas Golf Course Links 05.05.22
Minute No 3 - Douglas Golf Course Links Closure of Hearing

Hearing documents

1. Fiona Morton S42A Update to Panel
2. Legal Submissions for Grenadier Limited 2. 5.22 (Grenadier)
2a. Day v Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council [2012] NZEnvC 182
2b. Ngāti Maru Trust v Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whaia Maia Ltd [2020] NZHC 2768
3. Allan McKay
4. Andre White
5. V Keesing Table Schedule F
6a. Huhana_Smith_FINAL Tukorehe Responds WORD
6b. Huhana _Smith_VERY FINAL_Tukorehe Responds (1)
7. Pattle Delamore Partners Ltd Technical Memorandum

Applicants right of reply

0. Table of Contents
1. Bramshill v Secretary of State [2021 1 WLR 5761
2. Day v Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council [2012] NZEnvC 182
3. EDS Inc v King Salmon [2014] NZSC 38
4. Ngati Hokopu Ki Hokowhitu v Whakatane District Council (2002) 9 ELRNZ 111
5. Ngāti Maru Trust v Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whaia Maia Ltd [2020] NZHC 2768
6. RJ Davidson Family Trust v Marlborough District Council [2018] NZCA 316
7. Schedule of Conditions
8. Joint Supplementary Planning Statement of Fiona Morton and Tom Bland
9. Supplementary Evience of Dr Vaughan Francis Keesing
10. Supplementary Evidence of Thomas Peter Bland
11. Supplementary Evidence of Philip Tataurangi
12. Archaeological Assessment of Proposed Construction
13. Caledonian Links Course Description
14. Ecological Assessment - Hole 14
15. HDC Non-notified Decision and Planners Report - 765 Muhuno West Road, Ohau - 5 September 2021
16. Muhunoa Golf Links Hole 14 Options
17. Muhunoa Golf Links Hole 14 Perspectives
18. Muhunoa Golf Links Hole 7 Earthworks
19. Muhunoa Golf Links Hole 7 Perspectives
20. Earthworks Plan with 200m Offset
21. Rule Framework for Permitted Land Disturbance
22. Subdivision creating esplanade reserve
23. Memorandum of Counsel for the Applicant 3.6.22 (Grenadier)
24. Ngāti Tukorehe Reponse to HRC Minute - Grenadier Limted 1 June 2022
25. Response from MTA
26. Final Reply for Grenadier Limited 27.5.22


Grenadier Decision 25.07.22
Grenadier Schedule of Conditions 25.07.22