Address for service:

Horizons Regional Council

11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North

Applicant details:

Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency

Caitlin Kelly

District council:

Wellington Regional Council


Kapiti Coast District Council


Horowhenua District Council

Further enquiries:

Enquiries regarding the application can be made to Jasmine Mitchell , Team Leader Consents



The construction and operation, maintenance and improvement of the Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway Project (O2NL).

Resource consent applications and notices of requirement for a new designation have been lodged by Waka Kotahi for the O2NL Project which is the northern most section of the Wellington Northern Corridor, connecting to the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway (PP2O).

The resource consent applications and notices of requirement relate to the construction, operation, ongoing maintenance and improvement of new state highway, shared used path and associated infrustrature. These have been logded  with Horizons Regional Council, Welllington Regional Council, Kapiti Coast District Council and Horowhenua District Council. 

The District Councils S198D Combined Planning Report and Horizons Regional Councils S87F Planning Report with Footnotes can be found in the "Application Can Be Viewed" tab section below under "Online".  

General information

Application details

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (the Applicant) has submitted an application for a suite of resource consents to Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council (known as Horizons Regional Council (MWRC) and Wellington Regional Council (WRC) associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of a new State Highway, shared users path and associated infrastructure, in particular applications for:
  • land use consents in accordance with section 9(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Regional Plan for the Manawatū – Whanganui Region (“One Plan”) and the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES-F);
  • land use consents in accordance with section 13 of the RMA and the One Plan and the NES-F;
  • water permits in accordance with section 14 of the RMA and the One Plan and the NES-F; and
  • discharge permits in accordance with section 15 of the RMA and the One Plan and the NES-F.
  • land use consents in accordance with section 9 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and the Proposed Natural Resources Plan (PNRP) and the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES-F);
  • land use consents in accordance with section 13 of the RMA and the PNRP and the NES-F;
  • water permits in accordance with section 14 of the RMA and the PNRP and the NES-F;
  • discharge permits in accordance with section 15 of the RMA and the PNRP and the NES-F
The Ō2NL Project is the northern most section of the Wellington Northern Corridor and is proposed to provide the final section being a 4-lane expressway as an extension connecting to the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway. 

The applications relate to the construction, operation, and maintenance of 24km of state highway and shared use path and associated infrastructure, between Taylors Road (to the north of Ōtaki) and State Highway 1 north of Levin.  The project is referred as the Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway Project (Ō2NL Project). 

The new highway will be a median separated carriage way with two lanes in each direction over the majority of the route. The project also includes a shared use path for cyclists and pedestrians, as well as a number of new bridges, including one over the Manawatū River. To achieve this, a range of consents are required from MWRC and GWRC associated with both the construction and operational phases of the project. 

The consents and durations sought are summarised as follows:

Table 1: MWRC Consents Sought - Construction
Construction Phase Activity Consent Type Duration
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-2 for large scale earthworks (including the ancillary diversion of water and the discharge of sediment to water) where the earthworks are not:
- in a rare, at risk or threatened habitat;
- within 5m of the bed of a permanently flowing river;
- within 5m of the bed of a river that is not permanently flowing and has a width greater than 1m; or
- within 10m of a wetland identified in Schedule F.
Controlled activity 10 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 13, 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-7 for land disturbance and vegetation clearance (including any ancillary disturbance of the bed of a river division of water and discharge of sediment or slash) that is not in a ‘rare’, ‘at-risk’ or ‘threatened’ habitat and is:
- within 5m of the bed of a permanently flowing river;
- within 5m of the bed of a river that is not permanently flowing and has a width greater than 1m; or
- within 10m of a wetland identified in Schedule F but outside of a rare, at risk or threatened habitat.
Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(2) and 13 of the RMA and Rule 13-8 for large scale earthworks and vegetation clearance within an at-risk habitat. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 13-8 for the diversion of water within an at-risk habitat. Discretionary activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-8 for the discharge of water or contaminants to water or land within an at-risk habitat. Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(2) and 13 of the RMA and Rule 13-9 for large scale earthworks and vegetation clearance within a ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Non-complying activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-9 for the discharge of water or contaminants to water or land within a ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Non-complying activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 14-30 for the discharge or placement of cleanfill. Discretionary activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 15-17 of the One Plan for the discharge of contaminants to air. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 16-9 for the taking of surface water. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 16-9 for the taking of water for construction related dewatering outside of an ‘at-risk’, ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 13, 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 17-3 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the placement of a bridge over the Ōhau River and Waikawa Stream (and associated disturbance, diversion, deposition and discharges). Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 13, 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 17-15 of the One Plan for the placement of a bridge over the Waiauti, Manakau and Kuku Streams (and associated disturbance, diversion, deposition and discharges). Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(1) of the RMA and Regulation 45 of the NES-F for vegetation clearance, earthworks and land disturbance within or near natural wetlands for the purpose of constructing specified infrastructure. Discretionary activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 15-17 of the One Plan for the discharge of contaminants to air. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 16-9 for the taking of surface water. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 16-9 for the taking of water for construction related dewatering outside of an ‘at-risk’, ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 13, 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 17-3 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the placement of a bridge over the Ōhau River and Waikawa Stream (and associated disturbance, diversion, deposition and discharges). Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 13, 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule 17-15 of the One Plan for the placement of a bridge over the Waiauti, Manakau and Kuku Streams (and associated disturbance, diversion, deposition and discharges). Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(1) of the RMA and Regulation 45 of the NES-F for vegetation clearance, earthworks and land disturbance within or near natural wetlands for the purpose of constructing specified infrastructure. Discretionary activity 10 years
Construction and Operational Phase Activity Consent Type Duration
A construction and operational water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 13-8 as a discretionary activity for the diversion of water within an at-risk habitat Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-8 as a discretionary activity for the discharge of water within an at-risk habitat. Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 13-9 as a non-complying activity for the diversion of water within a ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Non-complying activity 35 years
A construction and operational discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 13-9 as a non-complying activity for the discharge of water within a ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Non-complying activity 35 years
An operational discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule 14-25 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the discharge of treated stormwater to a reach of a surface water body or its bed within a Schedule B Value of Sites of Significance – Aquatic. Discretionary activity 35 years
An operational water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 and Rule 16-9 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the taking of water for operational related dewatering outside of an ‘at-risk’, ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule 16-13 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the diversion of water outside of an ‘at-risk’. ‘rare’ or ‘threatened’ habitat. Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational land use consent is sought pursuant to section 13 of the RMA and Rule 17-23 of the One Plan as a discretionary activity for the placement of culverts (and associated disturbance, diversion, deposition and discharges) Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 14 and 15 of the RMA and Regulation 45 of the NES-F as a discretionary activity the taking, use, damming, diversion, or discharge of water within or near natural wetlands for the purposes of constructing specified infrastructure. Discretionary activity 35 years
A construction and operational land use consent is sought pursuant to section 13 and Regulation 57 of the NES-F as a discretionary activity for the reclamation of stream beds. Discretionary activity Unlimited
A construction and operational land use consent is sought pursuant to section 13 of the RMA and Regulation 71 of the NES-F as a discretionary activity for the placement, use, alteration, extension, or reconstruction of a culvert in, on, over, or under the bed of a river. Discretionary activity 35 years
Table 2: GWRC Consents Sought
Construction Phase Activity Consent Type Duration
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 and Rule R42 for a discharge to air from the Ō2NL Project works during the construction phase. Discretionary activity 10 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule R94 for the discharge of cleanfill to land and water. Discretionary activity 10 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 and Rule K.R1 for the taking of surface water in the Kāpiti Whaitua. Restricted discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(1) of the RMA and Regulation 45 of the NES-F for vegetation clearance, earthworks and land disturbance within or near natural wetlands for the purpose of constructing specified infrastructure. Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 9(2) and 15 of the RMA and Rule R107 for earthworks and the associated discharge of sediment. Discretionary activity 10 years
A land use consent and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 13 and 15 of the RMA and Rule R145 of the PNRP as a discretionary activity for the placement of culverts (but not reclamation or diversion of water) Discretionary activity 10 years
Operational Phase Activity Consent Type Duration
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule R50 of the PNRP as a discretionary activity for the discharge of treated stormwater from the Ō2NL Project. Restricted Discretionary 35 years
A land use consent, a water permit and a discharge consent is sought pursuant to sections 9(2), 14 and 15 of the RMA and Rule R118 of the PNRP as a non-complying activity for the works within, and reclamation of, a wetland. Non-complying activity 10 years (water permit and discharge permit)
Unlimited (land use consent)
A land use consent is sought pursuant to sections 13 of the RMA and Rule R143 of the PNRP the reclamation of streams associated with the piping of the streams. Non-complying activity Unlimited
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule R147 of the PNRP for diversion of streams. Discretionary activity 35 years
A water permit is sought pursuant to section 14 of the RMA and Rule R160 of the PNRP for dewatering. Discretionary activity 35 years
A discharge permit is sought pursuant to section 15 of the RMA and Rule R160 of the PNRP for dewatering. Discretionary activity 35 years
A water permit and a discharge permit is sought pursuant to sections 14 and 15 of the RMA and Regulation 45 of the NES-F the taking, use, damming, diversion, or discharge of water within or near natural wetlands for the purposes of constructing specified infrastructure. Discretionary activity 35 years
A land use consent is sought pursuant to section 13 and Regulation 57 of the NES-F of the reclamation of stream beds. Discretionary activity Unlimited
A land use consent is sought pursuant to section 13 of the RMA and Regulation 71 of the NES-F for the placement, use, alteration, extension, or reconstruction of a culvert in, on, over, or under the bed of a river. Discretionary activity 35 years
Notice of Requirements:
Pursuant to section 168 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) has given notices to Horowhenua District Council (HDC) and Kapiti Coast District Council (KCDC) of a requirement for a designation for a project or public work. The purpose of the proposed designation (as described in the notices of requirement) is to construct, operate, maintain and improve a new state highway and shared use path and associated infrastructure, between Taylors Road (to the north of Ōtaki) and State Highway 1 north of Levin known as the Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway Project (“Ō2NL Project”). The Ō2NL Project is the northern most section of the Wellington Northern Corridor, connecting to the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway. Once the Ō2NL Project is completed, a minimum 4-lane expressway from central Wellington Central Business District to north of Levin will be provided. 

The Notice of Requirement to KCDC applies to an area of land within the Kāpiti Coast District of approximately 101.92 hectares located generally between the northern boundary of the Kāpiti Coast District immediately to the east of existing State Highway 1 (SH1) and the northern extent of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway (PP2Ō) near Taylors Road on SH1. 

The Notice of Requirement to HDC applies to an area of land within the Horowhenua District of approximately 516.517 hectares located generally between Heatherlea East Road and the boundary of the Kāpiti Coast District to the east of existing State Highway 1 (SH1).

The Ō2NL Project is the northern most section of the Wellington Northern Corridor, and is proposed to provide the final section, being a 4-lane expressway, connecting to the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway which opened late December 2022. 

As lodged, the Notice of Requirement relate to the construction, operation, maintenance and improvement of 24km of state highway and shared use path and associated infrastructure, between Taylors Road (to the north of Ōtaki) and State Highway 1 north of Levin.  The project is referred as the Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway Project (Ō2NL Project)
The Ō2NL Project comprises the following key features: 
  • a grade separated diamond interchange at Tararua Road, providing access into Levin;
  • two dual lane roundabouts located where Ō2NL crosses the existing Arapaepae Road/State Highway 57 (SH57) and where it connects with the current SH1 at Heatherlea East Road, north of Levin;
  • four lane bridges over the Waiauti, Waikawa and Kuku Streams, the Ōhau River and the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) rail line north of Levin;
  • a half interchange with southbound ramps near Taylors Road and the new PP2Ō expressway to provide access from the current SH1 for traffic heading south from Manakau or heading north from Wellington, as well as providing an alternate access to Ōtaki;
  • local road underpasses at South Manakau Road and Sorensons Road to retain local connections;
  • local road overpasses to provide continued local road connectivity at Manakau Heights Drive, North Manakau Road, Kuku East Road, Muhunoa East Road, Tararua Road (as part of the interchange), and Queen Street East;
  • new local roads at Kuku East Road and Manakau Heights Road to provide access to properties located to the east of the Ō2NL Project.
  • local road reconnections connecting:
    • McLeavey Road to Arapaepae South Road on the west side of the Ō2NL Project;
    • Arapaepae South Road, Kimberley Road and Tararua Road on the east side of the Ō2NL Project;
    • Waihou Road to McDonald Road to Arapaepae Road/SH57;
    • Koputaroa Road to Heatherlea East Road and providing access to the new northern roundabout;
  • the relocation, and improvement, of the Tararua Road and current SH1 intersection, including the introduction of traffic signals and a crossing of the North Island Main Trunk Line (NIMT);
  • road lighting at intersections on the new state highway, that is, where traffic can enter or exit the highway;
  • signs, including gantries, as required;
  • median and edge barriers that are typically wire rope safety barriers with alternative barrier types used in some locations, such as bridges;
  • stormwater treatment wetlands and ponds, stormwater swales, drains and sediment traps;
  • culverts to reconnect streams crossed by the Ō2NL Project and stream diversions to recreate and reconnect streams;
  • a separated (typically) three-metre-wide SUP, for walking and cycling along the entire length of the new highway that will link into shared path facilities that are part of the PP2Ō expressway;
  • spoil sites at various locations along the length of the Project; and
  • five sites for the supply of bulk fill/earth material located near Waikawa Stream, the Ōhau River and south of Heatherlea East Road.
The Ō2NL Project will become the new SH1 and will replace the existing SH1 and that part of the existing SH57 along Arapaepae Road. Once the Ō2NL Project has been constructed and opened, it is likely these existing sections of state highways (then bypassed by the Project) will function as local roads providing access for communities to various local amenities and uses in the district, including access to the new highway. These existing sections will also provide an alternative strategic route for resilience.
Improvement in the context of the designation relates to potential improvements that may be needed to be undertaken to enable the continued efficient, effective and safe operation of the land transport system. Such improvement activities may for example include new improved barriers, pavement, lane control or lighting technology.

Direct Referral


Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency has requested that the Regional Council allow the applications to be ‘directly referred’ to the Environment Court. The direct referral process is a streamlined procedure under the Resource Management Act 1991, which allows a requiring authority to make a request to the Council that its notified applications be decided by the Environment Court, rather than the Regional Council. The Regional Council granted the applicants request for direct referral on 20 January 2023.

If you decide to make a submission on the applications then you will be entitled to also be involved in the proceedings before the Environment Court as a section 274 party. However, while the Court will consider all submissions on the applications before it makes a decision, you will only be able to be heard by the Court if you file a section 274 party notice. A copy of the relevant form of the notice, Form 33 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003, will be available after close of submissions, on Horizons website. Any section 274 party notice will be due with the Court 15 working days after receipt of the reports of Council officers (s87F reports) on the applications. Further timetabling information will be made available to submitters, including via the Horizons website, in due course. In the first instance, you need to lodge a submission with Horizons by 28 Feburary 2023.

All documents relating to the Direct Referral of this application to the Environment Court, including court correspondence, application documents and evidence, can be found on the Environment Court website

Minutes and Court Correspondence

Interim Decision of the Environment Court 7 June 2024

Application can be viewed


Minute of the Environment Court 23 March 2023
Submission Form
Executive Summary
Volume I - Forms - Appendix 1 Property Records of Title
Volume I - Forms - Wellington Cover letter, Form 7a and Form 9. 2022-12-20
Volume I - Forms - Horizon Regional Council Cover letter, Form 7a and Form 9. 2022-12-20
Volume I - Forms - Horowhenua District Council Cover Letter, Form 7a and Form 18. 2022-11-01
Volume I - Forms - Kāpiti Coast District Council Cover Letter, Form 7a and Form 18. 2022-11-01
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 2022-11-01
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 01. Appendix, One Rule Assessment
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 02. Appendix, Relevant Statutory-Planning Provisions
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 03. Appendix, Draft Cultural and Environmental Design Framework
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 04. Appendix, Design and Construction Report
Volume II - Supporting Documents and AEE - 05. Appendix, Proposed Conditions
Volume III - Drawing Set - Index
Volume III - Drawing Set - 01. General - Including Land Requirement and Designation plans
Volume III - Drawing Set - 02. General Arrangements
Volume III - Drawing Set - 03. Geometrics
Volume III - Drawing Set - 04. Geotech details
Volume III - Drawing Set - 05. Stormwater-Drainage
Volume III - Drawing Set - 06. Structures
Volume III - Drawing Set - 07. Accommodation Works
Volume III - Drawing Set - 08. Planting
Volume III - Drawing Set - 09. Photos Simulations
Volume III - Drawing Set - 10. Ecology
Volume III - Drawing Set - 11. Utilities
Volume III - Drawing Set - 12. Noise
Volume III - Drawing Set - 13. ESCP Plans
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment A - Transport
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment B - Noise and Vibration
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment C - Air Quality
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment D - Landscape Visual and Natural Character
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment E - Social Impact Assessment
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment F - Hydrology and Flooding
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment G - Hydrogeology and Groundwater
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment H - Water Quality
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment I - Contaminated Land
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment J - Terrestrial Ecology
Volume IV - Appendix J.3 Threatened plants
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment K - Freshwater Ecology
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment L - Archaeology
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment M - Built Heritage
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment N - Productive Land
Volume IV - Final Technical Assessment O - Economics and Town Centre Impacts
Volume V - CIAs - Huia Collective CIA
Volume V - CIAs - Muaūpoko Ō2NL CIA - 2022-12-20
Volume V - CIAs - Ngā hapū o Kererū Marae - Koputoroa Stream CIA
Volume V - CIAs - Ngati Wehi Wehi CIA 2022-10-19
Volume V - CIAs - NHoO [Ngāti Kapu] O2NL CIA 2022-6-20
Volume V - CIAs - Te Iwi ō Ngāti Tukorehe Trust Cultural Impact Assessment
Section 92 - District Councils Response to combined request for information (Final with Attachments 7 & 8)
Section 92 - Regional Councils Response to combined request for information under section 92
Amendment 1 - Proposed condition REM10 and Schedule 7
Partial Withdraw of Water Application
Application Refinement With Attachments 21 March 2023
District Councils S198D Combined Report of Helen Anderson Planning Report
HRC S87F Report Mark St Clair Planning with Footnotes
Planning Appendix 1 - Assessment, s88 Application Acceptance 28-11-22
Planning Appendix 2 - James Lambie - s87F Report - Terrestrial Ecology_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 3 - Logan Brown - s87F Report_Water Quality and Aquatic Ecology_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 4 - Peter Kinley - s87F Report_Flooding and Hydrology_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 5 - Jonathan Williamson - s87F Report_Hydrogeology and Groundwater_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 6 - Kerry Pearce - 87F Report_Erosion and Sediment Control_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 7 - Julia Williams - s87F Report_Natural Character_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 8 - Peter Stacey - s87F - 198D Report_Air_28 April 23
Planning Appendix 9 - Stuart Farrant - s87F Report_Operational Stormwater Management_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 10 - Michael Thompson - s87F Report_Water Take and Allocation_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 11 - Michaela Stout - S87F Report_Water Take_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 12 - Sarah Newall - s87F -198D Report_Site Contamination_28 April 2023
Planning Appendix 13 - Combined Section 92 NOR and Resource Consents
Planning Appendix 14 - Regional Councils Response to combined request for information under section 92
Planning Appendix 15 - Waka Kotahi withdraw Core Allocation tale for Ohau River
Planning Appendix 16 - Waka Kotahi refinement of application with attachments
Planning Appendix 17 - List of Submitters
Planning Appendix 18 - Submissions Summary Table
Planning Appendix 19 - Conditions with Regional Council feedback.pdf
Planning Appendix 20 - ATH-2012014503.00 Decision

In person

The application may be viewed at the following destinations offices during openning hours:
  • Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council, Palmerston North, situated at 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North
  • Wellington Regional Council - 100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington 
  • Kapiti Coast District Council - 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 
  • Paraparaumu Library ( Next door to KCDC Council) 
  • Waikanae Library 9 Mahara Place, Waikanae 
  • Otaki Library, 13 Aotaki Street, Otaki 
  • Horowehenua District Council, 126 Oxford Street, Levin 
  • Shannon Library, Plimmer Terrace, Shannon
  • Te Awahoe Niewustroom (Foxton Community Centre) 92 Main Street Foxton
  • Te Takeretanga o Kura-hapu-po (Levin Community Centre) 10 Bath Street, Levin. 


You can also request a copy of the application from the Consents Department of the Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council via email

Other information


Public submissions can be received up until February 28, 2023 4:45 pm

Please find the Submission Form in the "ONLINE" drop down at the top.

Where to get help preparing your submission:

We have a ‘Friend of Submitter’ service which can be utilised to assist with understanding the submission process. The ‘Friend of Submitter’ operates independently of the Councils and Waka Kotahi and has had no involvement with the development or assessment of the application. 
David Forrest has been appointed by the Councils and is a qualified and experienced planner who is available to help you navigate the information provided and answer questions about the submission process, any hearing processes and procedures.  While David cannot advise you on the content, nature or merits of your submission, he is available to assist you with any questions regarding the submission process. This is a free service available to you, if you wish. 
David can be contacted via email or phone and is happy to meet in person by appointment.  If you wish to utilise this service please contact David by email: or by phone on 021 2477 336.
Alternatively, should you require any assistance or have any queries, please contact any member of the consents team at any of the four Councils to discuss the proposal and your submission.

Horizons Regional Council: Email: , Freephone: 0508 800 800
Greater Wellington Regional Council:  Email: Freephone: 0800 496 734
Kāpiti Coast District Council:  Email  Freephone: 0800 486 486
Horowhenua District Council: Email:  Ph: 06 366 0999

Please note that as this is a legal (statutory) process you may wish to engage or seek advice from relevant experts or legal assistance.
You can also request an electronic copy of the application from the consents department of the Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council via email

Public submissions must include: Details of the applications in respect of which you are making the submission Your name, postal address, telephone number, fax number and email address (if applicable) Whether you support or oppose the applications Whether you wish to be heard in respect of the submission The reasons for making the submission, and the decision you wish the consent authority to make Be dated and signed by the person making the submission A copy of every submission must be served on the applicant and the Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council at 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.