Download Lindavia intermedia factsheet
Last updated June 2018
Lindavia intermedia was discovered in Lake Waikaremoana in 2008, and is now known to be in Moawhango River. As the positive samples were taken 5kms and 40kms downstream of Lake Moawhango it is most likely to be present in the lake. Further investigation has indicated it is also present in Lake Rotoaira and Lake Taupō.
Horizons has undertaken testing at various freshwater lakes and popular fishing and recreational waterways within the upper reaches of our region. As results come in this page will be updated. While other waterways may also have Lindavia intermedia, rivers and streams with fast moving flows do not provide an ideal environment for the algae to thrive.
Councils are working with stakeholders and researchers to find out more about what conditions influence the growth of Lindavia intermedia. In particular, we are keen to understand what causes it to produce lake snow like it has in some South Island lakes.