Horizons Regional Council and Ngāti Hāua sign Memorandum of Partnership

Ngāti Hāua and Horizons Regional Council have signed a Kawenata / Partnership Agreement formalising their mutual goal to develop their relationship of mutual respect and meaningful partnership.

The Kawenata was signed by representatives of both parties on Thursday 31 October at Ngāpūwaiwaha Marae. This was followed by an excursion to Tamangara and Ohinetonga in ōwhango, which are sites of significance to Ngāti Hāua.

Ngāti Hāua Chair Graham Bell noted the importance of formalising the partnership between Iwi and Council:
"Agreements between Iwi and Council are an important way of recognising that the two parties can come together in mutual engagement and trust and is reflective of Te Tiriti. It represents a positive step in what we see as an enduring and mutually beneficial relationship."

Horizons Chair Rachel Keedwell says the Kawenata sets out the parties’ aspirations, and represents a written position for how they will work together to achieve those aspirations.

“Memorandums of Partnership create a formal written base for us to advance our relationship. We see it as an excellent starting point for how Horizons, as a Crown party, can work with Ngāti Hāua to realise their aspirations and for how Council can appropriately operate in the region” says Cr Keedwell.

“The journey to get to this signing started many years ago back to the beginnings of our regional council with the input of Sir Archie Taiaroa, who led the beginnings of Council’s first forum for working with Māori. Now, here we are, more than 30 years later, and meeting with his Iwi to sign a Kawenata agreement. Had we not received guidance from the likes of Sir Archie Taiaroa during those early days, we may not have been here today.”

"Ngāti Hāua is one of our northern most iwi. With their array of interests, coupled with our scope of responsibilities, I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do together.”

“The Kawenata creates levels of connection through governance and operational layers. Provisions have been added which identify what projects Ngāti Hāua and Council want to work on together. What will be key to success is ensuring we have open, sometimes robust conversations, all within the spirit of achieving our goals stronger and more united.”

Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust Chairman Graham Bell says this signing is the first time the iwi has had a formal agreement with Horizons, but also any Council more generally.

“What brings us together is not just Te Tiriti o Waitangi, but our joint focus on our community wellbeing. Not just the wellbeing of our hapū, our whānau, our marae, but a wider kaupapa of community involvement."

“It’s also about mutual gains and mutual trust, supporting each other in projects and programmes and which we are going to work together on.”

“It’s a huge opportunity for us to work together with our community in mind, uplifting our community, working for our environment and for the protection of te taiao”.

“This partnership is also about bringing prosperity socially, economically and culturally."