02 November 2015, 9:19 am
Horizons Regional Council has formally withdrawn its notice of review in support of an option that will see the renewal of Palmerston North City Council’s wastewater treatment plant consent brought forward from 2028 to 2022.
The withdrawal alleviates the need for commissioners to continue their review and follows an application by Palmerston North City Council to vary the conditions of their current consent.
Horizons chairman Bruce Gordon says bringing the timeframe for a new consent forward to 2022 will enable the City to implement a holistic and sustainable solution for improved water quality much sooner than originally anticipated and consultation with the community will be a key component.
“The City has expressed a commitment to engage extensively with its community in the lead up to submitting its new consent application. This will ensure the potential options for wastewater treatment and the implications of any new or improved treatment facilities are well understood and supported.
“Horizons strongly encourages this approach and sees community input as vital to a sustainable solution.
“As members of the Manawatu River Leaders’ Accord, the City Council has also made a commitment to improving the state of the Manawatu River. Ultimately, that’s what this process is all about and it’s pleasing to see progress underway.”
Horizons strategy and regulation group manager Dr Nic Peet says the new approach will accelerate construction of a new or improved wastewater treatment plant for the city.
“The new timeframe will see construction of any new or improved treatment facilities take place in the years following 2022 and be completed many years earlier than would otherwise be the case,” he says.