30 September 2016, 7:22 pm
Local body voting closes at 12noon on Saturday 8 October and Horizons Regional Council is encouraging people to have their say in who will represent them.
Local body elections are held every three years and Horizons Regional Council comprises six constituencies, represented by 12 councillors including two from Wanganui, two from Horowhenua-Kairanga, four from Palmerston North, one from Tararua, one from Ruapehu. Bruce Gordon and Gordon McKellar have been declared elected unopposed for the two Manawatu-Rangitikei seats as the number of candidate nominations did not exceed the number of vacancies. Horizons electoral officer Craig Grant says that while local City and District Councils are responsible for community services, such as libraries, road maintenance, subdivisions, rubbish collection and waste water, Horizons manages the wider Manawatu-Wanganui Region’s natural resources. “Our responsibilities include river management and monitoring, flood protection, regulatory consents for land use, transport services, pest plant and predator control, and coordinating the Region’s response to natural disasters,” says Mr Grant. “The role of elected Councillors is to set the strategic direction for the organisation. This is done primarily during council and committee meetings held on a regular basis throughout the year. “Voting for the candidate that best reflects your values is one of the ways you can help us to make our Region a great place to live, work and play,” says Mr Grant. Horizons candidates and their profile statements are included in enrolment packs and can also be found on our website. Voting papers can be hand delivered to local City or District Councils before 12 noon on Saturday 8 October. Progressive results will begin to appear on Horizons’ website as they become available from Saturday 8 October until a final declaration of results are posted around 13 October 2016. Mr Grant says the new Council will first meet on Thursday 20 October and also attend Horizons Expo on Friday 21 October at Te Manawa in Palmerston North. “The Expo includes hands-on activities and presentations from all areas of our organisation. It is open to the public from 10am – 1pm and will include lunchtime seminars on native fish, weedbusters and transport planning,” says Mr Grant.