Stopbank breach on Burkes Drain in Taonui Basin

Horizons Regional Council emergency management staff have responded to a stopbank breach on Burkes Drain in the Taonui Basin, west of Longburn this evening.

Horizons incident controller Craig Grant says the breach was reported by a landowner in the vicinity.
“The breach involves an approximate 50 metre gap in the left bank of Burkes Drain, which has seen water from the drain flow into the designated ponding area between Burkes and Main Drain,” says Mr Grant.
“Our first priority was working with Manawatū District Council to contact landowners in the immediate area. While there was no need for people to evacuate, we wanted to make sure that those in the affected area were aware of the situation.
“Animal welfare was our next consideration, so we’ve advised landowners in the wider area to move stock out of the ponding area. The breach will impact pasture, however we do not anticipate any damage to dwellings.
“Manawatū District Council have also closed Lockwood Road between Karere Road and Hoihere Road as water is currently flowing across the road.”
Mr Grant says the cause of the breach is yet to be determined and will be assessed in daylight.
“We will have staff onsite overnight and have lined up contractors to undertake an emergency repair of the breach tomorrow. With more weather coming our way later in the week we will do what we can to address the gap.
“We will remain in contact with Manawatū District Council and provide an update in the morning.”
Up-to-date information on river heights and rainfall is available via Horizons 24-hour toll-free Waterline 0508 4 FLOOD. 
Updates will also be posted to the Manawatū-Whanganui Civil Defence Facebook page
For weather forecasting information please see Metservice. For road closures, delays, and warnings please see Waka Kotahi.