Section 36

Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), Section 243 of the Building Act 2004 and Section 150 of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) enables local authorities to fix charges for various administrative and monitoring activities. Horizons Regional Council sets their Section 36 charges every year through the Annual Plan process and issues these to consent holders to assist with our consent monitoring work and for our science, research and environmental monitoring activities.

You can find more information about these administrative charges in Horizons Long-Term Plan 2024-34.

Investing in the region

The Manawatū-Whanganui region uses water for farming, industry, recreation and day to day life. Horizons Regional Council's work helps to ensure we all use water in a way that is safe, sustainable and maintains our natural environment. We achieve this through science, research and environmental monitoring activities to help us determine how water is allocated, how quality can be maintained and improved, and how use is changing over time.

This work involves measuring river flows, groundwater levels, rainfall levels and water quality, and using this information to report, manage, analyse and support decisions that are made about this valuable resource.

View our Section 36 FAQs for more information.


Surrender or transfer a consent

When selling or transferring ownership of a farm it is important to ensure any consent details are also transferred. You can also surrender your consent if you no longer need it. Give us a call toll free on 0508 800 800 to arrange this, or you can download the appropriate form below and email it to

Notice of surrender of resource consent

Notice of transfer of resource consent

Ways to pay your Section 36 invoice

Bill payment

To pay via internet banking log on to your internet banking site. Set up a new payment and select Horizons Regional Council - Debtors from your bill payee options. Please ensure you use your customer number as reference, (eg. 46009). 

You can also manually type in our account number, 02-0630-0024883-003. Please ensure you use your customer number as reference, (eg. 46009). 

Pay at the counter

Payments can be made at any of our offices listed below, using credit card, EFTPOS, or cash. For our office opening hours please go to the Contact Us page.

Palmerston North Regional House, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North

Whanganui Regional House
181 Guyton Street

Marton service centre
Hammond Street

Woodville service centre
corner Vogel (SH2) and Tay Streets