18.3.1 Policies

Policy 18-5: Consent decision-making for new structures^

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for structures^ in the CMA, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7, Objective 6-2 and Policy 6-6, Objective 9-1 and Policies 9-3 to 9-5 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS;
  2. the functional necessity for locating the structure^ in the CMA;
  3. the provisions for public access and safety, including navigation safety;
  4. the avoidance, where practicable, of any adverse effects^ on natural character and landscape, tikanga Māori^, historic heritage^, indigenous flora and fauna, and the stability of river^ banks and the foreshore^. Where avoidance is not reasonably practicable, the adverse effects^ must be remedied or mitigated;
  5. whether the structure^ is of a suitable scale for the surrounding area, and uses the space^ in the CMA efficiently;
  6. whether the structure^ is to be built and maintained in a manner to withstand coastal processes and natural hazards^, including any potential effects^ of climate change^ and sea level rise*;
  7. any consequential adverse effects^ on other parts of the coast including whether the structure^ may affect sediment transport or exacerbate erosion or the risk of inundation; and
  8. whether the structure^ contributes to any cumulative adverse effects^ in the vicinity of the proposed structure^.

Policy 18-6: Consent decision-making for new structures^ in the Protection Activity Management Areas

In addition to the provisions in Policy 18-5, when making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for new structures^ in the Protection Activity Management Areas set out in Schedule I, the Regional Council must recognise and provide for:

  1. navigation safety, amenity, marine and estuarine ecosystems, and preservation of natural character. And have particular regard to:
  2. available alternatives to the applicant’s proposal and the applicant’s reason for making the proposed choice.

Policy 18-7: Consent decision-making for existing structures^

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for activities involving existing structures^ in the CMA, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7, Objectives 6-2 and 6-3, and Policies 6-6 and 6-11, Objective 9-1 and Policies 9-3 to 9-5 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS;
  2. the extent to which existing structures^ have adverse effects^ on natural character, amenity values^ and public access;
  3. ensuring that any alteration is of a similar scale and character to the existing structure^, avoids as far as reasonably practicable any adverse effects^ on ecological values or physical processes, and provides for public access and safety;
  4. the matters set out in Policy 18-5 where there is a proposed extension to an existing structure^; and
  5. the need to remove derelict or redundant structures^, and any excess material from structures^ being replaced or maintained, unless such removal is likely to result in more significant adverse effects^ than leaving the structure^ or material in place.