18.4.1 Policies

Policy 18-8: Consent decision-making for reclamation and drainage

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for activities involving reclamation or drainage of the foreshore^ or seabed, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7, Objectives 6-2 and 6-3, Policies 6-6 and 6-11, Objective 9-1 and Policies 9-3 to 9-5 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS;
  2. the functional necessity for locating the activity in the CMA;
  3. the efficient use of any area to be reclaimed or drained by minimising the area used to the extent reasonable;
  4. avoiding any restrictions on public access, other than for commercial, safety, cultural or conservation purposes, or to ensure a level of security appropriate for activities authorised by a resource consent^;
  5. ensuring that material used in any reclamation is uncontaminated by:
    1. substances which when subjected to biological, chemical or physical breakdown would degrade water^ quality; or
    2. pest plant material which could propagate or proliferate within or beyond the site*.
  6. ensuring that any reclamation or drainage is not sited where there are existing significant areas of indigenous flora or fauna feeding, breeding, spawning, nesting or roosting areas;
  7. avoiding any adverse effects^ on tikanga Māori^ or historic heritage^, and avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects^ on natural character and any characteristic identified within any Protection Activity Management Area set out in Table I.1;
  8. requiring proof that a reclamation has been designed and approved by a registered engineer with experience in coastal processes and construction, and has taken into account the effects^ of future sea level rise* and potential storm surges;
  9. ensuring that any drainage of the foreshore^ will not result in instability of the beach, estuarine substrate or river^ bank areas, or adversely impact on water^ quality at the discharge^ sites*; and
  10. available alternatives to the applicant’s proposal and the applicant’s reason for making the proposed choice.