Rule Activity Classification Conditions/Standards/Terms Control/Discretion Non-Notification
Removal of minor
quantities of material

The removal of sand, shingle, shell, driftwood or
dead seaweed pursuant to s12(2) RMA and any

  1. disturbance of the foreshore^ or seabed pursuant to s12(1) RMA.
  2. deposition of natural marine substances on the foreshore^ or seabed pursuant to s12(1) RMA.
  3. discharge^ of water^ or contaminants^ into the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA.
  4. damming or diversion of water^ in the CMA pursuant to s14(1) or s14(2) RMA.
  1. The sand, shingle, shell, driftwood or dead seaweed must be for private use only and not for sale or exchange.
  2. The sand, shingle, shell, driftwood or dead seaweed must only be removed by hand or by using a handheld non-mechanical device.
  3. Any sand or shingle must not be removed from within 20 m of any seawall, groyne (or similar structure^) or the seaward toe of any sand dune.
  4. The activity must comply with conditions (i) and (j) in Table 18.1.
Minor disturbances,
removal and

Except as otherwise regulated by the rules^ in
Section 18.3.2, any disturbance, removal or
deposition of material on the foreshore^ or
seabed pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA
ancillary to the following activities:

  1. installation of permanent anchors;
  2. burial of stock and marine fauna found dead in the CMA;
  3. clearing sediment from blocked river^ mouths, outfall structures^, intake structures^ and culverts;
  4. public recreational activities;
  5. beach grooming; and any ancillary:
    1. occupation^ of space^ in the CMA pursuant to s12(2) RMA.
    2. discharge^ of water^ or sediments into the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA.
    3. damming or diversion of water^ in the CMA pursuant to s14(1) or s14(2) RMA.
  1. The clearing of sediment from blocked river^ mouths must only be undertaken by a local authority or its authorised contractors.
  2. Any burial of dead stock and marine fauna found in the CMA must not disturb any plant communities in a Protection Activity Management Area and must comply with conditions (f), (g), (i), (j), and (l)-(n) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.
  3. The installation of permanent anchors must comply with conditions (a)-(g) and (i)-(n) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.
  4. Clearing sediment from outfall structures^, intake structures^ and culverts must comply with conditions (a)-(g) and (i)-(n) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.
  5. Any public recreational activities or beach grooming must comply with conditions (e)-(g), (i) and (j) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.
18-25 Minor
disturbances from

Any disturbance, removal or deposition of
material on the foreshore^ or seabed pursuant to
s12(1) or s12(2) RMA associated with the
exploration or drilling of the seabed occurring
more than 1 km seaward from MHWS on the
open coast and any ancillary:

  1. occupation^ of space^ in the CMA pursuant to s12(2) RMA
  2. discharge^ of water^ into the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA
  3. discharge^ of drilling muds, cuttings, and inert drilling fluids into the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA
  4. discharge^ to air from combustion involving the flaring of hydrocarbons from petroleum exploration or wellhead production flows into the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA.
  1. The bore* or drilling must be for the purposes of investigating water^, oil*, gas or seabed resources.
  2. The diameter of any bore* or drill hole must be 1.5 metres or less.
  3. The bore* must be cased and sealed to prevent leakage from:
    1. groundwater to coastal water^; and
    2. coastal water^ to groundwater.
  4. Any drilling must not involve the use of explosives, except for down-hole activities.
  5. Any flare point must occur more than 1 km seaward from MHWS on the open coast.
  6. No non-petroleum wellstream product can be combusted.

Any disturbance of the foreshore^ or seabed,
pursuant to s12(1) RMA for the purposes of non-commercial shellfish enhancement, and any

  1. occupation^ of space^ in the CMA pursuant to s12(2) RMA.
  1. The shellfish enhancement must occur only in the same location as existing shellfish beds.
  2. Any shellfish spat used must be from the same species as naturally resides in the same area.
  3. The activity must comply with conditions (b), (e)-(g) and (i)-(k) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.
Beach nourishment

Any disturbance, removal or deposition of
natural marine substances on the foreshore^ or
seabed pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA for the
purposes of beach nourishment, and any

  1. occupation^ of space^ in the CMA pursuant to s12(2) RMA.
  2. discharge^ of water^ or contaminants^ into
    the CMA pursuant to s15(1) RMA.
  1. Any material to be deposited must not contain any contaminants^ that are not already present in natural materials at the site*.
  2. Any material to be removed must not result in accelerated erosion* of the foreshore^.
  3. The activity must comply with conditions (b), (e)-(g) and (i)-(k) listed in Table 18.1 for the relevant Value.

Control is reserved over:

  1. the particle size and composition.
  2. the timing of the activity.
  3. duration, fees and charges, reviews and monitoring.
Port Activity
Management Area
and Whanganui River
Any disturbance or removal of the foreshore^ or seabed, pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA and cl4 Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998, arising from maintenance dredging within the Port Activity Management Area or the Whanganui River maintenance dredging areas shown in Schedule I Figure I:10 as Dredging Area 1 and Dredging Area 2, and any ancillary deposition of dredged material in the CMA pursuant to s12(1) RMA and cl4 of those Regulations. Discretionary
  1. The dredging must be for the purpose of maintaining water^ depths and access to and within the Port Activity Management Area.
  2. In any 12-month period, the quantity of material dredged or deposited within the CMA must not exceed 240,000 m3.
  3. The dredging must occur within the Dredging Areas identified in Schedule I Figure I: 10.
  4. The disposal of any dredged material must occur within the Discharge Areas identified in Schedule I Figure I: 10.
  5. The disposal of any dredged material must only occur on the outgoing tide.
  6. The location of the dredged material must be monitored in accordance with conditions^ set by the Regional Council.
  7. Any application must include information specified in Part I of Schedule 3 of the Resource Management (Marine Pollution) Regulations 1998.
Port and General
Activity Management
Areas: Large-scale
removal and

Any activity involving, in any 12-month period, the disturbance, removal or deposition of material within the CMA pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA and which is not otherwise regulated by Rule 18-28 where:

  1. the quantity of material involved is greater than 50,000 m3; or
  2. the area involved is equal to or greater than 4 ha; or
  3. the length of foreshore^ or seabed involved is equal to or greater than 1,000 metres.
Protection Activity
Management Areas:
Small-scale to
removal and
Any activity involving, in any 12-month period, the disturbance, removal or deposition of material pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA within a Protection Activity Management Area, which is not otherwise covered by the rules^ in Section 18.3.2, Rules 18-23, 18-24, 18-26, 18-27 or 18-31. Non-complying    
Protection Activity
Management Areas:
removal and

Any activity involving, in any 12-month period, the disturbance, removal or deposition of material pursuant to s12(1) or s12(2) RMA within a Protection Activity Management Area where:

  1. the quantity of material involved is greater than 50,000 m3; or
  2. the area involved is equal to or greater than 4 ha; or
  3. the length of foreshore^ or seabed involved is equal to or greater than 1,000 m.

Rule Guide:

  1. Deposits, disturbances and removal in the CMA that are not specifically covered by a rule in this chapter are a discretionary activity under Rule 18-44.
  2. Deposits, disturbances and removal in the CMA that do not comply with a permitted or controlled activity rule and are not otherwise discretionary, non-complying or prohibited are a discretionary activity under Rule 18-44.