18.6.1 Policies

Policy 18-10: Consent decision-making for take or use of water^ in the CMA

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for the take or use of water^ from the CMA, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS; and
  2. ensuring any intake pipe is located and screened such that the “intake” of marine fauna (including at spawning stages) is avoided, and any scouring of the foreshore^ or seabed is avoided.

Policy 18-11: Consent decision-making for damming and diversions in the CMA

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for any activity in the CMA involving the damming or diversion of water^, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7, Objective 6-2 and Policy 6-6, Objective 9-1 and Policies 9-3 to 9-5 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS;
  2. the applicable Water Management Zone* or Sub-zone* and the relevant water^ quality Values and targets in Schedule I;
  3. the functional necessity for locating the activity in the CMA;
  4. avoiding any adverse effects^ on fish spawning and bird feeding, breeding, nesting, or roosting areas;
  5. ensuring that any adverse effects^ on water^ clarity are not visibly noticeable within 24 hours of the activity being completed;
  6. ensuring that any adverse effects^ on river^ bank stability or coastal sediment processes do not contribute to erosion elsewhere or exacerbate the risk from natural hazards^; and
  7. ensuring that public access is not unreasonably restricted.