18.8.1 Policies

Policy 18-14: Consent decision-making for any noise^ and discharges^ into air

When making decisions on resource consent^ applications and setting consent conditions^ for activities involving noise^ or discharges^ into air in the CMA, the Regional Council must have regard to:

  1. the Regional Policy Statement, particularly all the objectives and policies of Chapters 2 and 8, Objective 3-1 and Policies 3-1, 3-2, 3-33-6 and 3-7, Objective 7-1 and Policy 7-1 and any relevant policies in the NZCPS; and
  2. adopting the best practicable option^ to ensure that emissions of noise^ do not exceed a reasonable level for all other activities, including minimising effects^ on coastal birds and amenity values^ for people.