The One Plan was amended on 27 February 2024 to give effect to the National Planning Standards. The Standards set out requirements of a nationally consistent structure, format, definitions, mapping, noise and vibration metrics, and electronic functionality and accessibility for RMA planning documents. This means that the provisions of the One Plan have been restructured and renumbered, and some defined terms have been added or changed.
The following documents have been developed to assist One Plan users compare the new version of the One Plan with the previous version.
View the One Plan here
The new Purpose chapter ‘what is the One Plan’ has been edited to explain the new structure.
Glossary terms are now housed in the Definitions chapter.
An Abbreviations chapter (mandatory) has been populated as required (new content).
National direction instruments chapters (mandatory) have been populated as required (new content).
A number of definitions have been changed to comply with the Definitions Standard. To avoid altering the effect of the One Plan, a number of consequential amendments have been made to provisions. For example, the One Plan tends to exempt certain activities from rules by excluding those activities in relevant definitions. This approach cannot continue, so the relevant exclusions have been moved to the provisions themselves.
The following definitions have not yet been changed or added to give effect to the Definitions Standard: aquifer, bore, building, cultivation, drain, earthworks, fertiliser, functional need, groundwater, land disturbance, operational need, quarry, reclamation and stormwater. These definitions will be changed to give effect to the Definitions Standard using a Schedule 1 process as soon as practicable. The following document provides and outline of the changes made to give effect to the Definitions Standard.
A tracked changes version of PA3 showing replaced definitions, and consequential amendments can be made available on request. Email
Where RMA definitions have been included in the definitions chapter, ^ has been replaced by * (not shown in tracked changes).
Relevant only to regional coastal plan (RCP-CMA-NOISE-R27 and RCP-CMA-R29). Relevant only to regional coastal plan (RCP-CMA-NOISE-R27 and RCP-CMA-R29). No changes made.
The rule title and activity description of RCP-CMA-MTU-R17 have been amended to remove references to the Port Zone. As the matters of control for this rule already restricts the dredging to the dredging specific controls in RCP-SCHED9, this does not change the effect of the rule.
The title of the National Environmental Standard for Air Quality has been updated.