Horizons’ District Advice service provides natural hazards information to the public and territorial authorities in our region. The most common advice sought is around the risk of flooding to guide development. District Advice also manages Horizons’ obligations to the Building Act in relation to dams. You can find more information about dam building consents and dam safety regulations here.
Our District Advice service can provide information such as:
*NOTE: District Advice property information requests are not a substitute for Land Information Memorandum (LIM) reports that are issued by district and city councils. LIM reports provide a summary of important information that is only held by district and city councils e.g. zoning, three waters (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services), rapid building assessments following an event, building and resource consents etc. LIM reports may also hold more detailed and property specific hazard information. The Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) is an independent government body which regulates the real estate agent sector in New Zealand. The REAA website includes information on what you need to know when buying or selling property. For information on resource consents please email our Consents team on consents.enquiries@horizons.govt.nz or call our Horizons Duty Planner on Freephone 0508 800 800. For more information about resource consents and how to apply for them, click here.
Many property-related questions can be answered by accessing information from our online maps. We recommend checking these out before making a request. The following listed information (including but not limited to) can be found on Horizons Maps | Public Viewer by selecting the relevant map profile and clicking on the ‘Layer’ icon to list and tick the relevant map features or layers*:
Go to the public map viewer
If you have any property-related questions, contact our District Advice team via our online enquiry form. Please provide as much information as you can and attach any site plans, maps or other related documentation.
Go to the District Advice Online Enquiry Form
Horizons’ One Plan aims to discourage new dwellings, businesses, community facilities and infrastructure being proposed in areas that are likely to be inundated during a 1 in 200 year flood event. However, as the One Plan only contains flood hazard policies, not rules, our role is to provide city and district councils, as building consent authorities, with useful data to help with decision making around plan changes and subdivision development. This includes flood hazard information and floor level recommendations. The final decision on any subdivision or building consent application lies with those councils. In cases where flood hazards can’t be avoided, we work with city and district councils to consider flood mitigation measures. We also provide advice on any resource consents that may be required from us.
Flood Hazards and the One Plan - Information for Territorial Authorities (2MB PDF)