The Environment Court's decision following Environmental Defence Society (EDS) and Wellington Fish and Game's declaratory proceedings against Horizons Regional Council was made in March 2017. The declaration focus was on the implementation of rules that reduce leaching of nutrients from farms. The two organisations sought clarification around assessments of consent applications under intensive land use rules in Horizons’ One Plan. While we work our way through the implications of the decision, we have set up this page to house both practical information for those looking to apply for an intensive farming consent, and governance/communication information related to the Court's findings, such as Council papers, media releases, eNewsletters and helpful guides.
For more information on One Plan changes and reviews
On the 3rd of April, Horizons received the Environment Court's decision on Wellington Fish & Game and the Environmental Defence Society’s application for declarations. The focus of the declarations was on the implementation of rules in the One Plan that require resource consents for intensive farming activities (Rules 14-1 to 14-4 of the One Plan, covering land use and associated discharges). Many of you may be nervous about what this ruling means for the intensive farming resource consent process as it applies to you, whether you have already been granted consent, you have a current application that has been lodged with Horizons, or you have yet to apply for an intensive farming consent. The declarations issued by the Court have no direct effect on intensive farming consents that have already been granted. Those consents, and their conditions, remain valid. Farmers with existing consents should continue to work to the conditions of their consents. However, the declarations do have a direct impact on the way the Council must process and consider consent applications from the date of the Court's decision, and as a result this page now contains documents that will provide guidance to those looking to apply for a resource consent for intensive farming activities.
One Plan FAQs
Statutory Provisions
Intensive Farming Overview Guide
Mitigating Nutrient Loss
Intensive Farming - Application Guide
This guide will help to assist applicants and their technical advisors in the preparation of resource consent applications for intensive farming activities under the Horizons One Plan.
Ready to apply for a resource consent?
Nutrient Management Plan Template
This document is the suggested template for a Nutrient Management Plan. The template is designed to provide the information required in an NMP, but also minimise repetition from the information required in the application forms. Please contact the Rural Advice Team on 0508 800 800 for an editable copy.
November 2016
March 2017
April 2017 - Special Edition
July 2017
August 2017
August 2017 - Special edition
October 2017