
This page includes information about resource consents and how to apply for them.

Click here for consent monitoring information

Click here for publicly notified consents

What is a resource consent and why do you need one?

The Resource Management Act and Horizons' One Plan contain rules and guidelines to manage the natural and physical resources of the Horizons Region. These rules outline what activities are allowed without resource consent from Horizons, and what do require resource consent.

Resource consents are tools used to achieve sustainable use of natural and physical resources. They help ensure that the environment we enjoy today will be looked after for future generations.

If you are undertaking the following activities you may need a resource consent:


  • Discharging dairyshed effluent to land
  • Discharging contaminants into water, into air or onto land (discharge permit, e.g. domestic effluent, stormwater)
  • Taking, damming or diverting water (water permit, e.g. for irrigation or stockwater)
  • Using, disturbing or building a structure on a river or lake bed (land use consent eg bridge, culvert, gravel take)
  • Disturbing or clearing vegetation from erosion prone land (land use consent)
  • Using, disturbing or building a structure below the highest point on the coast where the sand gets wet (coastal permit)


Consented activities are monitored to make sure that the conditions are being met.

Sometimes an activity requires more than one resource consent. For example, river protection works may need a land use consent and a water permit. City and district councils also issue consents for some land uses and subdivisions. Contact your local council to check if the activity you are planning requires consent from them.

Read the latest on the Overseer tool

How do you apply, and how can we help you?

Before you can receive your resource consent you need to go through an application process, just the same as with any other license or permit. ​We strongly recommend talking to one of our consents staff before submitting your application, doing so can make the application process easier for you, and avoid unnecessary delays and extra costs.

Due to the Resource Management Act Amendments in October 2009, we can only accept resource consent applications that have all the necessary information. If applications are deficient we have no option but to send it back. 

To avoid having your application sent back, we strongly urge you to submit a draft application as early as possible. This means our team can review the draft application prior to the actual application lodgement. This can ensure that we advise you what information, if any, we may still require from you.

Learn more about each stage of the process view our diagram of the application process. Horizons provide a one hour free advice service so get it touch to discuss your proposal or arrange a time via email or call our consents team on freephone 0508 800 800.

Application forms

Horizons have different application forms for the various types of resource consents. These forms are designed to help you provide the information we need to begin processing your consent application.

You should fully complete the forms and provide as much detail as you can with your application/s. For some proposals we may also require supporting information such as plans, drawings or technical assessments. Where possible we would prefer this information to be provided in electronic format, such as USB, or via email attachment and sent to

The information you provide for your resource consent helps us evaluate the potential effects of your activities on your local environment. It also helps others in the consulting process to clearly understand what you’re intending to do.
Form A - COMPULSORY Administration
Form B - Dairyshed Discharge
Form B - Discharge to Air
Form B - Discharge to Land
Form B - Discharge to Water
Form B - Drill, Construct or Alter a Bore
Form B - Feedlots & Other Stockholding Areas
Form B - Gravel Take
Form B - Groundwater Take
Form B - Intensive Farming
Guide for Applying for an Intensive Farming Consent
Form B Intensive Winter Grazing
Intensive Winter Grazing Management Plan
Form B - Land Disturbance (Earthworks) and/or Cleanfill
Form B - Large Dam Project Information Memorandum Form
Form B - Onsite Wastewater
Form B - Surface Water Take
Form B - Works in a Waterbody
Form B - Vegetation Clearance or Disturbance
Affected party approval form
Application guide for all consents without a specific form
Change or Cancellation of Consent Conditions
Notice of a Permitted Activity - Commercial Forestry
Notice of a Surrender of a consent
Notice of a Transfer of a consent
Notice of Transfer of a Water Permit to another site

Consent Costs

The fixed initial deposit is required upon lodgement of your application. This payment may not cover all of the required costs. In accordance with Section 36(3) of the RMA, Horizons reserves the right to recover actual and reasonable costs for consent applications where the costs exceed the fixed initial deposit. Any additional charges will be payable in accordance with the schedule of additional charges laid out in our Annual Plan. These additional costs will be invoiced directly to the applicant following a decision on your application.

Payment of your fixed initial deposit can be made by via internet banking. The deposit amount can be paid to to 02-0630-0024883-003, using CONSENT HOLDER NAME in the reference field and CONSENTS in code field.

Payments can also be made over the counter using credit card, EFTPOS, or cash.

Processing your application

Your application will be processed with or without notification depending on the level of effects the activity will have on the environment.

  • Non-notified application
    If the environmental effects of your proposed activity are minor, or if required have received written approval(s) from all adversely affect parties, then your application can be processed ‘non-notified’.
  • Limited Notified application
    If the environmental effects of your proposed activity are minor and it has been possible to identify all affected parties, then your application can be processed by limited notification.  The only people who can make a submission on a limited notification are those parties directly notified. A submission period of at least 20 working days is allowed for this. If no submissions are received then a decision will be made within 20 working days from close of submissions. Limited Notified applications (excluding hearing) require a fixed preliminary deposit of $7,500.00 (incl GST).
  • Publicly Notified application
    Your application is notified when the environmental effects of the proposed activity are not minor. Anyone can make a submission on a notified application during a specified period of at least 20 working days. Notified applications (excluding hearing) require a fixed preliminary deposit of $20,000.00 (incl GST).