Plant & Animal Pests

There are over 20,000 introduced plants and animals in New Zealand. At least 10 per cent of these have formed self-sustaining and persistent populations, and of these, approximately 10 per cent become significant ecological or economic pests.

We work in partnership with our communities to protect and enhance our patch of native New Zealand. Stopping the spread of pest plants and animals goes hand-in-hand with maintaining or enhancing native habitats and agricultural productivity. In tandem with biosecurity, we also use our powers under the Biosecurity Act to control pest plants and animals that threaten the health of high-value wetlands and areas of native forest.

Along with the district/city councils within the region, we have shared statutory responsibility to maintain native habitats. Councils take responsibility for habitats in private ownership and the flora and fauna in our waterways, while Crown land is looked after by the Department of Conservation.

The pests we manage and the methods of control we use are set out in the Regional Pest Management Plan 2017-2037.

The annual Operational Plans and Monitoring Reports are found here.

Horizons is also a member of the New Zealand Biosecurity Institute.