The latest in our Region

Sign up for ShakeOut to send Manawatū-Whanganui to top of national leaderboard

Sign up for ShakeOut to send Manawatū-Whanganui to top of national leaderboard

Horizons Regional Council is encouraging people in the Manawatū-Whanganui region to sign up for ShakeOut and get our region to the top of the national leaderboard.

2023-24 Annual Plan

Learn about the 2023-24 Annual Plan here.

Freshwater farm plans

Get the latest information on freshwater farm plans in the Horizons Region.

Oranga Wai

Learn about key changes to freshwater management in our region.

Nature-based solutions

Learn about our study on nature-based river mangaement practices.

Apply for Consent

Looking for a consent application form? Click here.

Horowhenua Water Quality Interventions

Includes information on the Arawhata Constructed Wetland Complex.