Strategic documents and plans

One Plan

The One Plan is the 'one-stop-shop' resource management planning document for the Horizons Region. It combines the Regional Policy Statement, Regional Plan and Coastal Plan.

Find out more about the One Plan

Long-term Plan

We produce a new operational plan, known as a Long-Term Plan (LTP), every three years. The LTP sets out the Council's strategy, programmes and budgets in detail for the coming three years, and in broad outline for a further seven years (10 years in total).

View the Long-term Plan 2024-31 (PDF - 15MB)

Annual Plan

We review the details of the LTP each financial year and adjust them where needed. This is done via the Annual Plan process and can involve public consultation if the proposed adjustments are significant. The Annual Plan details what Council agreed to for the relevant year in the LTP and outlines any changes.

View the Annual Plan 2023-24

Annual Report

We produce an Annual Report every year that looks at our actual performance compared to what we set out to do in our Long-term Plan and Annual Plan. It's a formal account for our communities of the decisions Council makes throughout the financial year.

View the Annual Report 2022-23

View the Annual Report Summary 2022-23

Regional Land Transport Plan

The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) sets out the strategic direction for land transport in the region over the next 10 years and outlines the activities proposed to deliver the strategic direction. The RLTP is overseen by Council’s Regional Transport Committee, which includes all the district/city councils in the Horizons Region, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency, and other key transport partners and stakeholders.

View the Regional Land Transport Plan 2021-31 (2024 Review) (PDF - 22MB)

Regional Public Transport Plan

The Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) sets out the framework for the provision and development of services and infrastructure integral to public transport in the Horizons Region. The RPTP must be renewed at least once every three years, or as soon as possible after the public transport sections of the Regional Land Transport Plan have been renewed or changed.

View the Regional Public Transport Plan 2022-32 (PDF - 12MB)

Regional Pest Management Plan

The Regional Pest Management Plan outlines the regulatory framework for the management or eradication of specified animal and plant species in the Horizons Region for the next 20 years. It retains flexibility for adjustments if situations change, and doesn't set out our day-to-day operational planning in the pest management space.

View the Regional Pest Management Plan 2017-37 (PDF - 4MB)

Manawatū-Whanganui CDEM Group Plan

The Manawatū-Whanganui Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group coordinates our region’s emergency preparedness and response, and is comprised of Horizons Regional Council and the seven city/district councils in the region. The Group Plan is a strategic document that outlines the group’s vision and goals and how they'll achieve them.

View the Manawatū-Whanganui CDEM Group Plan 2015-21 (PDF - 110MB)

Future Development Strategy

We’ve collaborated with Palmerston North City Council to develop a Future Development Strategy that guides housing and business growth across the city for the next 30 years. The Future Development Strategy guides zoning and provision of infrastructure for housing and business growth. The strategy sets out: 

  • what a well-functioning urban environment means for Palmy
  • iwi and hapū aspirations for urban development
  • opportunities and constraints to growth
  • our growth needs and where we’re proposing growth should occur 
  • growth-related infrastructure needs. 

For more information visit the Palmerston North City Council website here

Future Development Strategy 2024 (PDF - 18.5MB)

The implementation plan is where we will keep track of how we implement the strategy each year. This implementation plan serves as a valuable resource for individuals interested in buying or developing land within the city's growth areas and keeps track of the growth infrastructure that needs to be established before development.

See the latest implementation plan here:

Future Development Strategy 2024 Implementation Plan