
There are few things more important than the air we breathe. Air quality is fundamental to our health and surroundings. Horizons is responsible for monitoring ambient air quality and working with communities to achieve National Environmental Standards and raise awareness around air quality issues.

High winds, low population densities, low transport movement and a lack of polluting industries all benefit air quality in our Region. However, we need to make sure we effectively manage common localised pressures such as spraying, burn off, odours and smoky fires to reduce any potential health effects caused by fine particles in the air.

To ensure our community stays healthy and can breathe easy, Horizons monitors our air quality, reports any breaches, and works with our communities to reduce problems.

National Standards

The Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Air Quality) Regulations were introduced by central government in September 2004. The purpose of the regulations is to provide a guaranteed level of protection to people of New Zealand from air pollutants, dioxins and other toxins in the air. The regulations prescribe:

  • standards (for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter and sulphur dioxide) and prohibitions for certain activities that discharge dioxins and other toxins into the air (burning of tyres, bitumen, coated wire and oil); and
  • standards for air quality in relation to certain contaminants; and
  • standards and controls on emissions from domestic wood burners; and
  • controls on greenhouse gas emissions from landfills.
Find more information about the NES for Air Quality on the Ministry for the Environment website


We are required to identify areas, referred to as airsheds, where these national standards and guidelines for air quality are not always met. Areas in our region, such as Taihape and Taumarunui, have issues with air quality during the winter months because of a combination of topography, altitude, climate and the use of home fires.

As such, they were both gazetted as “airsheds” in 2005 and are now monitored on a continuous basis. They are the only airsheds in the region and their data can be found here. Other areas, particularly urban, have issues with burning rubbish and garden waste in the backyard, causing smoke and odours for neighbouring properties.

Air Quality in the Horizons Region

Horizons One Plan sets out our Regional Policy Statement. Chapter 7 in the One Plan explains our regional rules to combat issues of backyard burning, rubbish fires, and spray drift and odour in rural areas.

Horizons' aim is to enhance air quality throughout the region, reducing contaminants that can significantly harm people and the environment.

To help keep our air clean and our neighbours healthy, Horizons' air quality scientists recommend a few simple steps:

  • Burn dry firewood, as it burns more efficiently providing more heat emitting fewer particles into the air, and reducing your carbon emissions output.
  • Don’t burn treated wood, household waste (especially plastics and oils) or food scraps
  • Buy dry wood early and store it correctly
  • Have your chimney swept annually
  • Ensure your home is well insulated
  • If possible, install a National Environment Standard (NES) compliant wood burner

Horizons encourages our communities to dispose of waste materials at transfer stations, or through recycling and composting, instead of burning them outdoors.

Burning rubber, PVC, plastic, waste oil, treated or painted timber and agricultural waste in your backyard is strictly prohibited. 

Guide to wood burning


Outdoor burning

Burning waste in your backyard is a sure-fire way to annoy those around you.
Be a good neighbour: Recycle, compost or take waste to the transfer station instead.

Smoke from outdoor burnings contains small particles (particulate matter) that can worsen allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections and even contribute to serious health conditions like heart disease.

Some items emit more harmful particles into the air than others. It’s illegal to burn any of these items in an outdoor fire:
  • Waste oil
  • Rubber
  • Vehicle components
  • Treated or painted timber
  • Agrichemical waste
  • PVC plastics

Smoke, odour, and ash from outdoor fires are also a nuisance for your neighbours. The majority of complaints reported to Horizons’ Pollution Hotline relate to smoky fires.

Recycle, compost or take waste to your local transfer station instead of burning it in your backyard.

Local city and district councils provide top-notch waste disposal facilities and services for their residents. Check out your local council’s website to learn what services they offer in your area:
By using these purpose-built waste management facilities, you can ensure you’ll be disposing of your rubbish safely and legally and keep your neighbours off your back.

If you have concerns about offensive smoke, odour, or dust discharges from an outdoor fire, call Horizons’ 24-hour Pollution Hotline at 0508 800 800 and speak with our consent monitoring officers.

Guidelines on the open burning of waste



Land Air Water Aotearoa Logo

All Regional Councils and Unitary Authorities across New Zealand contribute towards Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA). This is a national platform where the general public can access air quality data from around the country. LAWA also includes data and information about other types of environmental monitoring such as water quantity and quality in our rivers, lakes and coastal areas. 

More information about how Horizons monitors air quality in the region can be found on our publications page.

For more detailed information on air quality check out our air quality publications or contact us.


To see what Central Government is doing to improve air quality visit Ministry for the Environment website.