26 September 2018, 1:28 pm
Horizons Regional Council is undertaking emergency river management works on the Rangitīkei River downstream of Bulls.
Horizons group manager river management Ramon Strong says the works will help keep the river in its current channel, protecting downstream habitat, property and the stopbank that keeps the wider area from flooding. “The last few winters have seen prolonged periods of high flows in the Rangitīkei River and that’s taken its toll. The river is close to cutting a new course over several kilometres, putting the full river flow hard up against the stopbank,” he says. “Should this happen, it will not only cause significant environmental impacts but also compromise the stopbank and consequently the standard of flood protection afforded to the adjoining community.” Mr Strong says Horizons will undertake range of works to limit the likelihood of the river adopting a new course. “We have been keeping an eye on this part of the river for some time; high flows and poor ground conditions have limited our ability to intervene until now. “Council’s Catchment Operations Committee has approved additional expenditure of $300,000 to address this and other issues that the winter have exacerbated, being clear that further funding may well be required later in the year.”