03 October 2023, 1:53 pm
Horizons Regional Council is reminding its rural community that there is still funding available for fencing and planting through its Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) and freshwater team.
Horizons group manager catchment operations Dr Jon Roygard says that SLUI recently secured its fifth four-year contract and has plenty of funding available for stream fencing, pole planting, installing sediment traps, fencing existing bush remnants and reverting pasture to native cover on hill country. “Freshwater funding is also available for landowners across the region wanting to fence off a waterway to exclude stock and we may be able to assist with native planting within retired riparian margins as well,” says Dr Roygard. “SLUI grants are generally between 30-50% and are available for a variety of works which target erosion and prevent sediment getting into waterways. “The freshwater funding levels range from 30-50% of the total cost depending on what catchment your property is in, the values of the catchment, and alignment with the funding criteria. “The amount of funding for this type of work is likely to reduce, as the central government co-funding via the Jobs for Nature fund is scheduled to end by 1 July 2024.” Dr Roygard says taking advantage of funding Horizons has available benefits both landowners and the environment. “One goal of this funding is to provide support to farmers ahead of new central government legislation around stock exclusion coming into force. Some of these regulations started on 1 July 2023 and the rest will be implemented from 1 July 2025. “The benefits from SLUI activities include improving water quality, reducing erosion on land and building resilience against storm events. Other benefits from wider stream fencing and riparian planting include increasing habitat complexity for aquatic life, food supply for native fish, and decreasing erosion of stream banks. “We really encourage farmers to take up the opportunity while there is still funding available.” Dr Roygard says the freshwater grants are available to properties anywhere within the Horizons Region. “However, we would particularly like to hear from those located in Kai Iwi, Whanganui or Horowhenua. “Landowners who are interested in SLUI funding should call Horizons' Land Management team on free phone 0508 800 800 to discuss options for their farms. “Landowners who are interested in stream fencing or riparian planting elsewhere should contact our Freshwater team on free phone 0508 800 800.”