26 February 2018, 11:28 am
Hydrological experts from across the country are meeting in Palmerston North from 6-9 March to workshop a range of subjects related to the challenges and successes in monitoring water quality and quantity.
Horizons Regional Council, which has a hydrology team of 17, has been helping organise the event and team manager Jeff Watson says the workshops will be a great opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field. “The workshops are hosted by the New Zealand Hydrological Society and the specific topic to be address is suspended sediment loads and the latest in best practice data collection, analysis and quality assurance of related data,” he says. “Included in this will be comparisons of different data capture methods, laboratory analyses and surrogate technologies. While this all sounds rather technical, what we’re essentially looking at is the impact sediment has on water quality and determining if our data collection methods are as efficient and effective as they can be. “Considering this is important for ensuring we are providing the best possible service to our communities.” Mr Watson says this is the only workshop of its type in New Zealand and attendees come from a range of backgrounds including local government, Crown Research Institutes, universities and private industry. “It is the first time in decades that the measurement of sediment has been the focus of the environmental monitoring industry which is a drawcard for many. “Another drawcard is speaker John Gray, who is an expert from the United States of America and has 38 years of experience in hydrological and sediment data acquisition. Mr Gray will present on various aspects of sediment measurement and its relationship to hydrology and water quality which will be really valuable to all attendees.” The workshops run from 6-9 March at the Conference and Function Centre, Palmerston North and include a field day to undertake sediment sampling and gauging. For more information on the workshops and John Gray please visit www.nzhsworkshop.co.nz.