21 September 2023, 7:42 am
Horizons Regional Council would like to invite teachers and other community educators to attend ‘Hui-ā-Kōanga’ (spring hui), a free NZ Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE) local connection day at Marton School on Tuesday 3 October between 9am-4pm.
Horizons is a member of NZAEE as their kaupapa is aligned with councils’ environmental education vision of empowering communities to create a sustainable future. Horizons’ senior environmental educator Sarah Williams says holding an event under the umbrella of NZAEE opens up additional resources and learning opportunities to our teachers to build their capability to support their tamariki to take action for a sustainable world. “It is spring time so a time for planting. Hui-ā-Kōanga is focussed on indigenious planting with guest speakers from the NZ Indigenous Flora Seed Bank (NZIFSB), Tāhuri Whenua (National Māori Vegetable Growers Collective), and local tangata whenua representatives. “We invite teachers and other community educators from across our region to come along and learn how to propagate native plants, prepare and plant kūmara beds, and connect with other teachers and educators”. Registrations are required and teachers can register by going to the events page on the NZAEE website.