24 October 2023, 2:05 pm
Horizons Regional Council has awarded 25 grants to Enviroschools with environmental and sustainability projects for 2023.
The Pat Kelly Enviroschools Action Fund supports sustainability projects from Enviroschools in the Horizons Region. Horizons senior environmental educator and Enviroschools Regional Leader Sarah Williams say council received 31 applications, seeking a total of just over $38,000 which is the most we have ever had since starting this fund in 2016. “We were pleased to see a wide range of projects seeking support in this round of funding. Similar to last year, rainwater tanks and water conservation have continued to be popular project, particularly with this year projected to be a dry summer with the El Nino”. “It has also been great to see a few more unique projects such as Brunswick Schools’ lavender garden for making lavender oil, and Marton Childcare Centre’s leafcutter bee project.” “Unfortunately, with only $25,000 available some Enviroschools have missed out this time around”. The 2023 funding has been awarded to: