Nutrient Management - Supporting Information

The following documents support the Plan Change 2 and Plan Change 3 processes, and the more broadly focused Our Freshwater Future planning. They include evaluation of the One Plan's nutrient management provisions, and the technical reporting that informs the planning processes that follow. Reports used in the evaluation ('section 32 evaluation') of plan change proposals can be found here.

One Plan Evaluation Reports

Kirman & Linzey, 2018. Independent planning and legal advice on the Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Council One Plan - consenting pathways for dairy and horticulture activities
Hill Young Cooper Ltd, Jul 2018. One Plan section 35 evaluation report: intensive farming
Horizons, Oct 2016. Policy evaluation report: freshwater quality

Economic Assessments

NZIER, Jul 2018. The macroeconomic impacts of the One Plan’s intensive land use provisions
Parminter, May 2018. Comparison of changes to nitrogen loss allowances on dairying in the Upper Manawatū River catchment
Parminter, May 2018. Interim report providing information for the macro-economic analyses
Parminter, Mar 2018. Selecting representative dairy farms for the Upper Manawatū Catchment
Parminter, Jan 2018. Impact Assessment of One Plan policies and rules on farming systems in the Tararua District and Manawatū-Whanganui Region
Ridler, Dec 2017. The feasibility of nutrient leaching reductions (N leaching) within the constraints of minimum impact on the profitability and production of three dairy farms in the Horizons Region
Bicknell, Jun 2017. Process review of draft Parminter report "Impact assessment of One Plan ..."
Ford, Oct 2017. Farm scale economic impact
Ridler, 2016 (minor redactions). The feasibility of nutrient leaching reductions (N leaching) within the constraints of minimum impact on the profitability and production of five dairy farms in the...
AgriBusiness Grp for Horticulture NZ, Jun 2014. Nutrient performance and financial analysis of horticultural systems in the Horizons Region

Social Impact Assessment

Collins, 2018. Social impact assessment Plan Change 2

Science and Technical Reports

Fraser & Snelder, 2019. State and trends of river water quality in the Manawatū-Whanganui Region
Patterson et al, 2018. Assessment of the environmental outcomes from Proposed Plan Change 2 - Table 14.2 update (internal memorandum)
Hanly, Hedley & Horne, Feb 2018. Part A & B - Sensitivity of values in Table 14.2 of the One Plan to a change in the version of OVERSEER
Hanly, Hedley & Horne, Jul 2018. Part C - Sensitivity of values in Table 14.2 of the One Plan to a change in the version of OVERSEER
Carran et al, 2007. Defining nutrient nitrogen loss limits within a water management zone on the basis of the natural capital of soil

Last updated 15 July 2019