Here you will find information on the non-regulatory activities Horizons facilitates. From information on our Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) to different grants you can apply for to help empower our community with environmental initiatives.
Our region’s problems with hill country erosion were sorely exposed during the February 2004 storm event. In response, representatives from our region’s communities and stakeholder organisations have joined together and formed the Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI), which seeks to implement whole farm plans specifically tailored to manage each area of highly erodible land. The aim is to help insure against having to recover from the effects of massive-scale hill erosion in the future. This assists in preventing the silting up of rivers downstream, helping to reduce flooding, and improving water quality. Check out our SLUI newsletter Check out our riparian planting guides to learn more about what to plant in your area. We also offer funding and grants that can be used for activities like riparian planting.