Low Flow Restrictions District Summary

During summer, there may be a number of water restrictions in place across the Horizons Region. The table below highlights those districts where there are currently some restrictions (red) and those nearing restriction levels (yellow) plus the number of consent holders that those restrictions may affect.

If your water take is linked to a district in the table below we encourage you to check your individual consent conditions or phone Horizons on 0508 800 800 to find out how the water restrictions could affect you. Horizons encourages consent holders to be mindful of their water use as further restrictions could come into place over the next few weeks.


 Consents not in restrictionConsents nearing restriction levelsConsents in restrictionNUMBER OF CONSENTS
Horowhenua District230040
Manawatu District260049
Palmerston North City3006
Rangitikei District230042
Ruapehu District290081
Stratford District0000
Tararua District3907194
Taupo District0001
Waitomo District0001
Whanganui District40012