Low Flow Restrictions Summary

During summer, there may be a number of water restrictions in place across the Horizons Region. The table below highlights those sites where there are currently some restrictions (red) and those nearing restriction levels (yellow) plus the number of consent holders that those restrictions may affect.

If your water take is linked to a site in the table below we encourage you to check your individual consent conditions or phone Horizons on 0508 800 800 to find out how the water restrictions could affect you. Horizons encourages consent holders to be mindful of their water use as further restrictions could come into place over the next few weeks.


Legend (Shading) Number of sites Number of consents
Sites not in restriction: 34 115
Sites nearing restriction levels: 7 47
Sites in restriction: 1 1
Total: 42 163

Low Flow Restriction Detail

Flow siteLatest flow (Litres/sec)Consent holders potentially in restriction
Akitio at MouthNo site / data1
Hautapu at Alabasters17562
Kai Iwi at Handley Road7511
Kumeti at Te Rehunga4211
Makakahi at Hamua5231
Makara at Downstream AirstripNo site / data1
Makino at Boness Road1233
Makotuku at Raetihi2251
Makotuku at SH49A2762
Manakau at S.H.1 Bridge563
Manawatu at Hopelands639311
Manawatu at Teachers College2418814
Manawatu at Upper Gorge132873
Manawatu at Weber Road23239
Mangahao at Ballance22122
Mangaore at d/s Mangahao Power StationNo site / data1
Mangapapa at Troup Rd641
Mangatainoka at Pahiatua Town Bridge15346
Mangatoro at Mangahei Road9791
Mangawhero at Pakihi Rd Bridge169610
Ohau at Rongomatane17077
Oroua at Almadale Slackline30607
Oroua at Awahuri Bridge41251
Oroua at Kawa Wool36291
Oruakeretaki at S.H.2 Napier9543
Pohangina at Mais Reach52532
Rangitikei at Hamptons230621
Rangitikei at Mangaweka192455
Rangitikei at McKelvies1828414
Rangitikei at Onepuhi2038011
Rangitikei at Pukeokahu61821
Raparapawai at Jackson Rd1501
Tamaki at Stephensons9003
Tamaki at Water Supply Weir6351
Tiraumea at Ngaturi28305
Tokiahuru at Junction537310
Tokomaru at Riverland Farm3364
Turakina at Otairi4511
Waikawa at North Manakau Road4241
Waitangi at Tangiwai7612
Whangaehu at Kauangaroa163334
Whanganui at Te Maire284854