Horizons’ WaterMatters project is a web-based information system for individual consent holders and those organisations in the Region interested in water management. It allows individual consent holders to monitor their water use from home, and it allows whole water management zone monitoring against predetermined water allocation limits.
Water use data from telemetered systems is summarised once a day and updated after midnight to show the amount of water used in a management zone and the whole catchment. Visitors to our site can view general water use information such as where flow restrictions are occurring and how actual water use compares to the amount of water consented. Consent holders can look up more specific water use information. In particular they are encouraged to check the data regularly during low flows as the flow may suddenly drop or increase, sometimes to below consented minimum flows. This is because as very low flows occur, a river’s channel and flow behaviour can change and needs to be monitored by Horizons staff manually in order to get the most accurate and up to date readings for customers.